St Mary's Art Exhibition

Our 47th Exhibition

Yet another great weekend. A wide range of creative talent on show and a wonderful atmosphere. Friday evening was enjoyed by a packed church, sipping Aspall cyder, listening to the ‘Open Mic Group’ and generally chatting and catching up with friends as well as enjoying the art on display. This year saw our largest entry since the early years of the exhibition and we were concerned that we would fit everything in but the hanging team did a marvellous job.

Our volunteers this year did splendidly, our thanks to all of them, especially the refreshment team who raise a record amount over the weekend.

We raised over £5,100 for the Church Fabric Fund, a record total for us.

Thank you to the 99 artists who submitted work for the exhibition. We are pleased that 76 of them sold work, very good percentage.

The 2025 exhibition, our 48th is on 20th, 21st, 22nd June